- on Thu 23 December 2021
Category: Books,
A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence, Second Edition
- Vijay Nagarajan, University of Edinburgh
- Daniel J. Sorin, Duke University
- Mark D. Hill, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- David A. Wood, University of Wisconsin, Madison
"This primer is intended for readers who have encountered memory consistency and cache coherence informally, but now want to understand what they entail in more detail."
- [this book talks to me]
Chapter 1
- memory consistency - effects of stores and loads on the memory, correct behavior
- cache coherence - HW implementation to ensure correct behavior when caches are involved
- memory (consistency) model - the specification about allowed behavior of MT programs
- snooping - cache controller performs a broadcast
Chapter 2
- memory-side cache (last-level cache) - not a concern in regards to coherence, just reduces the latency
- "Informally, a coherence protocol must ensure that writes are made visible to all processors."
- consistency-agnostic coherence (atomic writes) vs consistency-directed coherence ([posted] writes, ordering rules)
- single-writer-multiple-reader (SWMR) invariant
- data-value invariant
- other definitions of invariants
Chapter 3
- reordering, write buffer
- MC (memory consistency) model
- core pipeline can have an impact on the consistency
Sequential consistency
- L. Lamport: How to Make a Correct Multiprocess Program Execute Correctly on a Multiprocessor
- program order, memory order
op1 <m op2
,op1 <p op2
- for SC:
op1 <p op2 ==> op1 <m op2
= implies) - requirement: LL, LS, SS, SL dependencies, loads get the value of the last store, atomic RWM
- naive implementation: the switch
- speculative loads are just discarded, speculative stores only present the address and not the data --> cache can check if (or inform) other caches have the datum
- multi-threading: other threads must have independent write buffer (so to behave like other processors); normal write buffers (with queue) are anyway not possible in SC
- [ Mod-01 Lec-32 Case study: MIPS R10000 ]
Chapter 4
- total store order (TSO)
- "[TSO] model astonishes some people..."
- TSO behaves equally for programs that: 1. store data first, 2. then store
flag - write buffer, FIFO
Chapter 5
- relaxed (weak) memory consistency
- most application do not require strong consistency
- accesses can be re-ordered, Coalescing Write Buffer
Example Relaxed Consistency Model (XC)
instruction- TSO for accessing the same address (LL, LS, SS)
- data race - two or more programs accessing the same memory, at least one access is a write
Release Consistency
instead ofFENCE
- dependency-induced ordering
- same address ordering
- Atomic Memory Operation (AMO) and Load Reserve/Store Conditional
"On a first pass of this primer, readers may wish to skim or skip this section; this memory model is significantly more complicated than the models presented thus far in this primer."
ARMv7, ARMv8
- ARMv7 similar to POWER
- ARMv8 provides a total memory order, has
High-level Language Models
- SC for DRF
Chapter 6
- two invariants: SWMR, data-value
- coherence controller: a FSM, one per each cache (cache controller) or memory (memory controller)
- coherence protocol: communication between FSM
"Other agents, such as I/O devices, may behave like cache controllers, memory controllers, or both depending upon their specific requirements."
four characteristics:
- dirtiness
- exclusivity
stable states:
Modified: valid and potentially dirty
- Owned: valid and owned, possibly stale, read-only
- Exclusive: no other cache has a copy, read-only
- Shared: valid but not exclusive and not dirty, read-only
Invalid: not present in the cache or stale
transient states:
snooping vs directory
- invalidate vs update
Chapter 7
"all coherence controllers observe (snoop) coherence requests in the same order and collectively "do the right thing" to maintain coherence."
- transactions need to be ordered
- serialization (ordering) point, e.g. bus arbitration
baseline: MSI
- atomic requests and atomic transactions
- processor loads go from Invalid to Shared
- processor stores go from Invalid to Modified
- both loads and stores wait for the data before transitioning to the steady state
- if Modified, GetS and GetM from other cores transition to Shared and Invalid, respectively
Non-atomic requests, atomic transactions
- queue or buffer between the cache controller and the bus (or interconnect)
Exclusive state
- handles case when the block is first read and then written -> no need to inform other cores
- GetS brings the block state to S or E (depends on states of other controllers)
Owned state
- when a block is in state M or E and receives GetS
Non-atomic bus
- in-order vs out-of-order
- FIFO queues between the controller and request and response bus
Interconnect network
- tree topology
- Timestamp Snooping
Chapter 8
"Directory protocols were originally developed to address the lack of scalability of snooping protocols."
- directory with a global view
- transactions typically involve 2 or 3 steps:
- a request by the controller and a reply by the directory
- a request by the controller, requests to other controllers and replies from other controllers
4th step is also possible
directory as the serialization point
- for some requests (e.g. GetM) all caches with a block in state S must ACK
- an entry (per each block) consists of the state bits, owner id (if in state M) and sharer list (bit vector, if in state S)
- I or S to M: directory returns to the requestor the number of controllers which must ACK
- PutM: contains data (from the controller to the directory)
- virtual networks (message class) to avoid deadlocks (requests blocking responses)
Exclusive state
- GetS and not shared by other controllers --> E
- a core can silently (no coherence request required) upgrade E to M
- E block: owned vs not-owned
- PutE (directory from E to I)
Owned state
- [how did it got dirty if it is read-only?]
- Owned is basically a frozen Modified state
Directory state
- full representation only for smaller number of cores
- coarse directory: more controllers are "grouped" in a same bit
- limited pointer directory: broadcast after I sharers, invalidate one of the sharers, trap to a SW handler
Directory organization
- one entry per each block of the memory
- directory cache: accesses have (usually) good locality, smaller datums ([ROMANES EUNT DOMUS])--> even small caches have a high hit rate
- backed by DRAM
- inclusive: only for blocks cached, a miss indicates the I state
- Null Directory Cache: [this sounds more like a snooping protocol]
"The typical, general solution to the problem of a centralized bottleneck is to distribute the resource."
- distributed directories
- non-stalling directory protocols
- eviction of blocks in S state
Chapter 9
Instruction caches
"[...] truly self-modifying code is rare,"
- core writes to D,I only observers writes
(instruction cache block invalidate) instruction on POWER
Virtual caches
- advantage: no need for address translation (on the critical path)
- require reverse address translation
- synonyms: same virtual address mapped to multiple physical addresses
Write-true caches
- two-state protocol (VI)
- simpler evictions
- some issues with multi-threading
Coherent DMA
"DMA controllers have very different locality patterns than conventional cores" - GetMs are wasteful, the entire block is typically overwritten --> special requests
Multi-level caches
- inclusive cache: e.g. L2 contains a superset of L1
- multiple multi-processors: LLC as a memory-side or core-side cache
- hierarchical protocol: intra-chip, inter-chip (e.g. intra-chip snooping, inter-chip directory)
Performance optimization
Migratory sharing
- one thread reads and writes, then another thread reads and writes, ...
- E state already helps
- HW to detect GetS and then GetM
- alternatively, add Migratory M state (I -> S -> M)
False sharing
- more cores accessing the same block without actually dependencies; solutions: sub-block coherence, speculation
- deadlock - cyclical dependencies
- protocol deadlock
- cache resource deadlock
- virtual networks
- livelock - a special case of starvation
- starvation (solved with fair arbitration)
Token Coherence
- a third method (alongside snooping and directory-based protocols)
- tokens instead of status bits
- cores exchange tokens
- a core with one token can read, a core with all tokens can write to a block
Chapter 10
"This is the age of specialization."
- SoC share one physical memories, e.g. GPUs have two separate physical memories
- cooperative thread array (CTA)
- SIMT - Single-Instruction-Multiple-Thread
- http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/j.alglave/papers/asplos15.pdf
- GPU: relaxed memory order
- one approach: consistency-agnostics coherence protocol - not suitable for GPUs (large L1 caches, many threads = many transactions)
Temporal coherence
- lease (limited amount of time), block gets automatically invalidated
- global notion of time
- GetV(t), Write, WriteV(t)
stalled writes (until the lease expires)
GWCT (Global Write Completion Time) - all FENCE must stall until this time
- performance sensitive to the selection of lease time
- timestamp complexity (e.g. rollover)
Release consistency-directed coherence
- atomic operations which order memory accesses in one direction (in contrast with FENCE)
- scope (CTA vs GPU)
Heterogeneous systems
- more devices with different memory consistency models
- intuition: the weaker model of the two
- OpenCL: SC for HRF (Heterogeneous-Race-Free)
Heterogeneous coherence protocols
- global controller
- local controllers contain shims (or translators)
"the global coherence interface must disambiguate CPU sharers from GPU sharers"
- coherence tracking at a larger granularity (e.g. page instead of a cache line)
- scratchpads in GPUs (programmer-controlled memories)
Chapter 11
- specification = contract between the user and the implementation
- input actions, internal actions, output actions
- safety and liveness
Operational specification
- state machine
- liveness ensured with temporal logic
- linearizability
- CMurphi and TLA
Axiomatic specification
- Alloy, Herd
Litmus tests
- https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~sf502/regressions/rmem/
- https://github.com/nvlabs/litmustestgen
Formal methods
- manual methods (e.g. assigning timestamps as values)
- model checkers (state space becomes quickly very large)
- Off-line testing
- On-line testing (checker implemented in HW)