- on Sun 03 February 2019
Category: Quantum computers, Open Hardware, Chisel,
I attended FOSDEM 2019 in Brussels:
and these are my notes from Quantum Computers, CAD and Open Hardware and Python tracks:
Quantum Computing
Delivering Practical Quantum Computing on the D-Wave System
- marketing slide for D-Wave Leap
- practical = Adiabatic Quantum computer
- Riggeti uses gate model instead
- physical impl: 3 m high box + 3 normal racks
- QPU (Quantum Processor Unit): 16x16 grid
- language
- qubit
- coupler (either both in same direction or opposite)
- weights (? initial state)
- strength (for couplers)
- objective (function which gets minimized)
- BQM (?)
- 5 us annealing
- problems: noise
- noise can bring you in more than one solution (might be useful for some problems)
- portfolio
- internet ad
- high-energy physics
- image recognition
Q & A
- clock speed -> no clock speed
- total computation time -> 5 us to 1 s
- Pegasus: proposed arch for a new machine
- new Hamiltonioan in Pegasus
- error corrections: from 2048 bits, no error corrections because of what they calculate
- classical solutions vs quantum solutions: wall-clock time is the benchmark
- hello world:
- D-Wave: not a threat for a normal crypto (factoring a number is not a good problem)
D-Wave's Software Development Kit
- tools and utilities for QC development
- solution space is "smooth": good solutions are "grouped together"
- step 1: problem as polynomial
- b-terms: linear bias
- a-terms: quadratic bias
Quantum Machine Instr: biases in certain range: because of physical limitaiton? * Chimera graph and Pegasus graph
Ocean software
Python front-end, C++ for high performance
mapping methods
- samplers
- compute resources
- API for samplers
cloud client
constraint satisfaction
graph theory problem, same API as networkx
- translate to binary
- define BQM function
- BQM to matrix form
- BQM through sampler
- post-processing and interpretation
pip install dwave-ocean-sdk
Q & A
- resolution: 0.01 resolution
- Fujitsu and Hitachi: another providers
- 8 couplers per qbit
D-Wave Hybrid Framework
- decomposition -> split the problem to fit into BQM
- solver/sampler framework
- uses both quantum and classical resources
- dataflow paradigm
What is IBMQ
quantum algorithms
- current algorithms --> quantum algorithms
- supra-polynomial speed-up
- Schor's algorithm: polynomial time for factoring of the numbers
- simulating quantum mechanics (Hamiltonian equations); for chemistry
- factoring 1024-bit number: hours with QC
how to program a QC: mapping interference pattern on qbits
entanglement -> consistent quantum system -> colapse
- every quantum program: circuit (no feedback!)
result is non deterministic (robust algorithms provide good results)
quantum volume (metric used at IBM)
coherence time: 100s of us
technology is quantum ready
quantum technologies
- superconductive Josephson junction
- entaglion (only hypothetical?)
- QASM (quantum assembly language)
- 5 GHz, 240 mK, low noise
- all QC look similar: only way to do it
- current state: oscilloscopes, signal generators, ...
- pizza box for controlling the QC in the future
quantum advantage
- IBM provides a lot of stuff on their GitHub
- Jupyter notebooks, vscode plugin
- Quiskit Acua: example problem: bonding energy for a molecule
- Quiskit Aer: ...
- publicly available QC
- gate error and readout error are publicly available (~1e-3 for the example)
- IBM has several QC architectures (Tokyo, Melburne)
Q & A
- noise problems for QC, do qbits produce noise -> engineering will find a solution
- quantum volue of Tokyo -> "the best, it is not just the number of qbits"
- Quiskit Aqua: chemistry API
CAD and Open Hardware
- mixed-signal simulator
- prototype for Verilog-AMS (~10 years ago)
- analog circuits and digital circuits simulators are different (transient vs event-based)
analog circuit simulation
- node equations --> matrix form
- often: differential equations, Newton iteration
digital circuit simulation
- event based, with evaluation queue
- can be used
- Gnucap decompose the circuit matrix into L and U
- Gnucap keeps track of the changes to the matrix, schedules an update to the circuit matrix
- bypass = not computing something
- Gnucap uses all the tricks to calculate inverse of the matrix (pivoting)
architecture of Gnucap
- the concept (matrix solving + event-based updates) is tighly integrated in the codebase
- plugin infrasctructure: modeling languages (VHDL, Verilog-AMS, SystemC considered)
shared library for basic s
compoenents are plugins (dlopen)
- commands
- algorithms
- Turing complete
- examples of plugins
- import module (python)
insmod module (linux)
, e.g. Jupyter, user can access internal data, use Scipy, ... - Verilog-A in QUCS/gnucsator
license for models
Gnucap supports models from other sources
two types:
distributed as source code: --> just log it into the Gnucap (no issues)
distributed as binary: --> wrapper + blob
- mixed-mode is faster
- more front-end work needed
- talk is not about the details, but about the framework, user interface and future
- input: standard SPICE text inpu
- output: transient simulator
successor of spice3f5 from Berkley
three flavors:
standard executable: CLI, file and graphics output, control language
- shared library for tcl/tk (not used so much)
- C shared library (so/dll): input and output via callbacks
scripting language
- its own library (developer don't like python)
- 94 commands, math functions, loops, ...
device models
- hard-coded models (BJS, MOS, JFET, xFET, trans lines, Verilog A interface via adms)
- B source with build-in function
- XSPICE shared library (written in C, both analog and digital)
application areas
- PCB design
- mix of ICs and discrete components
- requires a comfortable user interface (offered by 3rd parties - e.g. KiCAD)
PSPICE and LTSPICE model requirements
IC design
- models from the foundries (very reliable but complex)
- supports HSPICE
- MOS models, large circuits, certain speed
- integration with other tools ongoing
mixed-signal capabilities
- from XSPICE
- digital: event based, signal strengths and delays
- analog: C coded models, time and freq domain
- simple example: digital is 50x faster than analog
experimental developments
- KLU solver: 2x, 3x faster
- CUDA for GPU: development on-going
- Cider: 1D and 2D TCAD: device structure, solve physics equations
- core: BSD, LGPL, ... no issues
- Verilog A models: more complicated
- vendor devices: can be used, but not distributed
- IC model data: PDKs are under NDA (also encryption)
- unicode
- some commands (pz, ...)
- integration with other tools and flows
openEMS - An Introduction and Overview
- FOSS solver for electromagnetics fields
- simulate and evaluate RF and optical devices
- uses FDTD (finite differences in time domain)
- co-ordinate systems: cylindrial and cartesian
- lumped elements available
- human body models
- dispersive models
- support for remote simulation (cluster)
show cases
- notch filter, very nice demo
- examples: helical antena, antenna array, MRI antenna design (loop coils)
- small size PCB antenna
- nice to have: interface to PCB editors
problem: link (between EMS and PCB editors) is very week
some examples:
- hyp2mat
- pcb-rnd
pcbmodelgen (KiCAD to openEMS)
ultimate goal: Circuit simulation <--> PCB design <--> RF simulation
- openEMS is a mature EM simulation package
- TODO list: improve the documentation, interface to tools, ...
Project Trellis and nextpnr
- 85k logic cells (4 LUTS, FF, carry), block RAM, 18x18 DSPs, SERDES (up to 5 GTs)
- split into tiles, tiles split into slices
- fixed wires
- arcs and pip
- all arcs and wires are undirectional - mux topology
- dedicated clock network
- programmable interconnect: pass gates (cascade of 2 mux)
- bit and routing done
- missing: DSP
- timing documentation for fabric, logic cells, RAM, ...
text configuration format
- tools to convert from and to bitstream
- intermediate format for place & route
- not enought vendor support
- delays for the cells extracted from SDF files
- routing delay obtained using least-squares from reports for entire net
- support ECP5, iCE40, Xilinx, ...
- uses Berkley ABC for logic optimization
- formal equivalence checking, assertions
- ....
- replacement for arachnepnr
- developments from May 2018
- timing-driven
- architecture implements an API: useful for different architectures
- each arch has its own binary: a lot of optimization possible
- 7-series is VERY experimental (more work planned)
- first implementation:
- SA placer
- A*+ripup router
- future
- analyty placer
- SAT-based placer,
- ...
- nice graphical interface
Design Automation in Wonderland
- motivation and goals
- reuse common functionality
- easy to integrate, easy to adapt libraries
- a set of modular libraries
based on Berkley ABC
use C++14 or C++17
- header-only
- well documented, well tested
lorina: parsing library
- can pasrse very simple Verilog
- parser reads Verilog and provides data to mockturtle
mockturtle: logic network library
- network interface API
- logic synth, opt, technology mapping
- impelementations: and-inverted, kLUT, ...
performance tweeks
cut the combinatorial network into LUTs, based on cost function (speed/area)
kitty: truth table
- manipulation of truth table
percy: exact synthesis library
- re-synthesis
- exctract the logic function
- optimization
- mapping to tech
Open source virtual prototyping for faster hardware and software co-design
- virtual prototyping
current development
- idea
- SW and HW developed in parallel
- integration
virtual prototype
- idea
- virtual prototype --> SW can be developed in parallel
virtual prototyping: SW environment simulating the HW
model entire SoC (RPi: quad core, peripheral)
- models (of the IP) are hard to find
- too much components --> needs to be done: shared effort
"interoperability is the key" --> take advantage of the community
- toolchain: marketplace for components, GUI, ...
Q & A
- interface with SystemC and TLM: support for TLM is there
- modules: how to verify the model: ?
Lesson learned from Retro-uC and search for ideal HDL for open source silicon
- idea: open source microcontroller (Z80, MOS 65 and 68000, 3 uC in one chip)
- a development board
- "VHDL and Verilog are not the right tools for the job"
RTL faults
- clock is logic signal
- if --> mux or flip-flop
- synth vs non-synth
- Verilog: block and non-blocking
- signed
- process(all)
- generate
- ...
"putting a lipstick on a pig"
new developments
- TL-Verilog
- SystemC/TLM
- "good tools are proprierty" (Vivado HLS, Catapult)
- Panda Bamboo
GAUT (gaut.fr)
- Chisel/SpinalHDL --> "going in the right direction" --> first need to learn Scala
- Migen/MiSoc/nmigen --> prefered by the speaker
CPython Memory Management
- what user needs to know
- learn how to control (gc, sys.getrefcount)
- memory leaks
allocation of memory
- CPython has PyObject for everything
- size: obj size < 512 bytes --> small, ele big
- big objects: system allocator
small object: 3 levels, pools and arena
8-byte alignment --> size idx: size / 8 - 1
- 4k size, objects of same size
- blocks
- encapsulate pools
- containts 64 pools
object specificts
- string interning (simple string)
- small integers (-5 to 256)
garbage collection
- reference counting
- easy to find unused obj
- no marking
- memory overhead
- no cyclical references
tools in python
- two modules: gc and tracemalloc
- plus: sys._debugmallocstats()
That's all folks, 'till next year!