


Atom feed

Theremin Simulation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Nov  2 14:54:35 2014

@author: jan

import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.constants as const

#   b, y
# A
# |
# +----> a, x
a = 0.3         # x dimension of space
b = 1.0         # y dimension of space

Na = 50         # number of nodes in x
Nb = 100        # number of nodes in y

x_ant = 0.1     # antenna x position
y_ant = 0.5     # antenna y position
l_ant = 0.5     # antenna length
V_ant = 1.0     # antenna voltage (capacitance is Q/V, so we set V to 1)

x_man = 0.2     # man x position
y_man = 0.4     # man y position
l_man = 0.8     # man length (height)
V_man = 0.0     # man voltage

l_hand = 0.06   # hand length   <--- VERY IMPORTANT PARAMETER
x_hand = x_man-l_hand/2.0
y_hand = 0.6    # hand y position
V_hand = V_man  # hand voltage has same potential as man

_err_ppm = 1000   # max diff from two consecutive iterations to stop the loop

# Setup
#   We create 2D grid of nodes with their voltage and save if they are set
#   to fixed voltage (e.g. grounded) or is there a field which should be 
#   caculated

V = np.zeros((Na,Nb))
fixed = [[False]*Nb for i in range(Na)]

def placeObject(x,y,l,vert,V0):
    global V
    if vert: 
    Nx       = int(x/a*Na)
    Ny_start = int((y-l/2.0)/b*Nb) 
    Ny_stop  = int((y+l/2.0)/b*Nb)

    for i in range(Ny_start, Ny_stop+1):
        V[Nx][i] = V0
        fixed[Nx][i] = True
    Nx_start = int((x-l/2.0)/a*Na)
    Nx_stop  = int((x+l/2.0)/a*Na)
    Ny       = int(y/b*Nb)

    for i in range(Nx_start, Nx_stop+1):
        V[i][Ny] = V0            
        fixed[i][Ny] = True

placeObject(x_ant,  y_ant,  l_ant,  True,  V_ant)
placeObject(x_man,  y_man,  l_man,  True,  V_man)
placeObject(x_hand, y_hand, l_hand, False, V_hand)

# Calculation
#   We are solving 1st Maxwell equation:
#      div D = ro -> div E = ro/eps --> div E = 0 
#   Combined with definiton of voltage potential:
#      E = - grad V
#   Results in Laplace equation:
#      div grad V = 0

m, n = V.shape

def iterate():
    global V
    for i in range(m):
    for j in range(n):
        if i == 0 and j == 0:
            V_T = (V[0][1] + V[1][0]) / 2.0
        elif i == m-1 and j == 0:
            V_T = (V[i-1][0] + V[i][1]) / 2.0
        elif i == 0 and j == n-1:
            V_T = (V[0][j-1] + V[1][j]) / 2.0        
        elif i == m-1 and j == n-1:
            V_T = (V[i][j-1] + V[i-1][j]) / 2.0   
        elif i == 0:
            V_T = (V[0][j-1] + V[0][j+1] + V[1][j]) / 3.0 
        elif i == m-1:
            V_T = (V[i][j-1] + V[i][j+1] + V[i-1][j]) / 3.0      
        elif j == 0:
            V_T = (V[i-1][0] + V[i+1][0] + V[i][1]) / 3.0 
        elif j == n-1:
            V_T = (V[i-1][j] + V[i+1][j] + V[i][j-1]) / 3.0    
            V_T = (V[i-1][j] + V[i+1][j] + V[i][j-1] + V[i][j+1]) / 4.0

        if not fixed[i][j]:
            V[i][j] = V_T

e = []
for i in range(1000):
    Vprev = V.copy()
    ei = np.sum(Vprev - V)
    if(np.abs(ei/Na/Nb) < _err_ppm*1e-6):
    print "Done"

# Calc C
#   Electric field is calculated as E = - grad V
#   Charge is calculated from Gauss equation in integral form

Ex = np.zeros((Na,Nb))
Ey = np.zeros((Na,Nb))
Eabs = np.zeros((Na,Nb)) 
for i in range(m-1):
    for j in range(n-1):
    Ex[i][j] = ( V[i+1][j] - V[i][j] ) / (a/Na)
    Ey[i][j] = ( V[i][j+1] - V[i][j] ) / (b/Nb)
    Eabs[i][j] = np.sqrt(Ex[i][j]*Ex[i][j]+Ey[i][j]*Ey[i][j])

Nx       = int(x_ant/a*Na)
Ny_start = int((y_ant-l_ant/2.0)/b*Nb) 
Ny_stop  = int((y_ant+l_ant/2.0)/b*Nb)

# Gauss 
Q = 0

for i in range(Ny_start, Ny_stop+1):
    Q += Eabs[Nx+1][i]
    Q += Eabs[Nx-1][i]

C = const.epsilon_0 * Q

# Plot
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,b, Nb), np.linspace(0,a, Na))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

ax.plot_surface(X, Y, V, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.rainbow,
    linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

ax.text(0.95, 2.5, 0, 'C = ' + str(round(C*1e9,4)) + " nF",
    verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right',
    transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12)

ax.set_title('Distance = ' + str((x_hand-l_hand/2.0) - x_ant ) + ' cm')